
2018-06-16 - Goodbye Limpopo, the ocean is calling ...

The doctors, nurses, communication and support staff in Polokwane were great to work with.  

Even the patients were friendly and cracked jokes about the weird contortions we put ourselves through to get a good shot and teased the men about wearing make-up in the portrait shots.

Michelle is convinced that no one can look good in scrubbs.  It may or may not be true, I'll let you make up your own mind, but I can say that they are bloody uncomfortable.

 Now it's time to pack up for the next trek to the coast.  

We'll be spending the next week-and-a-half in KwaZulu-Natal photographing more doctors in a number of different hospitals, as well as a doing a catalogue shoot for Barnes.  If everything runs smoothly and we get done in time, I may even have a day or two to relax with my family before flying off to the Eastern Cape again.